Apparently it's gonna be a big fuzz to get them out, as it might take up to three or four months before they could dig an escape shaft. The chilean president Pinera already stated the trapped will have to spend their national holiday - September, 18 - inside the mine, and plans have been made for the Chilean and Bolivian president to meet in November to have a joint meeting talking with the miners (one of them is Bolivian).
Have to dig into it later on today, but wanted to share with you already the following CNN coverage, commenting the request on behalf of the chilean authorities for NASA to send a psychologist and a nutritionist:
Also, according to medical records, there are at least nine miners who would be too overweight to fit through the proposed shaft to rescue them, Manalich said.The miners are believed to have lost about 8 kg (17 pounds) so far during their time in the mine, and officials expect that the overweight miners will be able to be rescued by the time the shaft is completed."Believe me, they will lose weight," Manalich said.