The Dutch were not the only ones to loose during last year's World Cup finale. I was one among many others who had received some tech-loving visitors in my house while I was watching Spanish history being written on one of the many outdoors screens. It was a memorable day, indeed!

In spite of hustling down all the main black markets in Lima (in case you were wondering - La Cachina and Polvos Azules), looking for my little black MacBook, I didn't get closer than finding someone who had been offered the little black magic the very same day it had been stolen.
Apple-users among you will know that it was more out of personal affection that I wanted my MacBook back (and the small fortune that it had cost), rather than for the data lost. Thanks to Time Machine my new MacBook (not so new, but shht!) looked exactly the same as my old one, and this includes Safari's bookmarks, history and whatever else you may have forgotten to back up otherwise. Except for… Address Book.
As I came to learn, Time Machine does not automatically back up your contacts, you have export your contact database [file > export > address book archive] for you to have a file that can be back-uped. That is, if you don't want to manually input all the contacts you previously had stored in your Address Book.
Unfortunately, there is no option to export your archive to another format other than .abbu (only readable by Address Book). There had to be a solution, I reckoned, and one was found: Address Book Exporter. It allows you to export your whole archive, or parts of it, to a .txt file, which can then be easily copy-pasted into Numbers/Excel, turning your contacts' info into more manageable data. You're welcome!