Monday, 5 September 2011

Leave your comfort zone and learn!

When I had just embarked on my discovery of international politics (and whatnot), Kevin introduced me to The Economist. 'A must read, Tom, if you want to stay on top of things in this world. Sharp analyses, I'm telling you. My advice - subscribe, asap!' I still am, six years later. It's pretty addictive, I'll admit to that. It's just that they cover such a variety of issues from all over the globe, so reading your weekly issue feels like getting the hang of what's up in the world.

It's not until recently, however - say a year or so - that I started reading the whole issue, from cover to cover. Although the magazine is called 'The Economist', surprisingly most of its content is just reporting on world politics (with a strong economic focus, at times). But the 'Business' and 'Finance and Economics' sections had never appealed to me - too difficult when not having a clue about those topics, I thought. Turns out, they're quite readable even for an economy illiterate, and pretty damn interesting on top of that!

Amazing how much you can learn by expanding your horizon, going beyond what you already know, with what you already feel comfortable. So it is that I came across this very intriguing article in the 'Science and technology' section. Turns out there is this spider species in Central America, the Leucauge argyra, that has an interesting way of reproducing. Usually, the male spiders make plugs of mucus to seal the female's orifice after mating (other animals do it too, apparently). With this species, however, the female has been observed doing that to herself, for a very peculiar reason:

Spider sex is unusual in that males transfer their sperm to the female on small limbs called pedipalps. They use these to pick their sperm up from their genitals and insert it into the female’s sexual orifice, rather than copulating directly. […] On the 14 occasions [observed] a sexual plug was made, the female produced it without assistance from the male. On ten of these occasions the male’s pedipalps then seemed to get stuck while he was transferring the sperm (which is rarely the case in other species of spider), and he had great difficulty freeing himself. In two of those ten instances, he was eaten as a result. The two researchers conclude, therefore, that what was once a mechanism which allowed females to discriminate between males has evolved into a way of trapping them so that they can be consumed at leisure. Whether only high-quality males, whose sperm the female also wishes to keep, are affected is not yet clear—though eating such males may bring the bonus of denying their sperm to rivals. Whatever the details, for male Leucauge argyra this behaviour gives a new meaning to the term “unsafe sex”.

Yes, utter randomness. But that's why I like it! Often, my best ideas are inspired by other disciplines or areas of work. Not that I'm saying women should start plugging themselves with mucus for safe sex, but you never know which brilliant idea might arise from these unexpected articles or encounters. I'm not doing it enough myself, but: dare to leave your comfort zone and dig into terra incognita, you never know what you may come across…

If it weren't for the sugar cane liquor before, I'd never put this anaconda up my shoulders...

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